Walk through any toy section in a Target, and you will see what we are really teaching our little girls. Think about the Bratz dolls. What kind of example does that set for little girls, regarding looks and behavior? How about the television that some children are exposed to? Little kids often see and hear things without us realizing it--little pitchers have big ears--until we are faced with dealing with the problem of their exposure to that thing. And like ItWasMe said, a lot of little girls love to mimic Mommy.
The biggest problem I see on the part of the mothers in the above article is a gross failure to establish and maintain boundaries for their daughters (who in their right mind lets their 3-year-old look at a VS catalog?!), in addition to a failure to communicate effectively with their children. Tough love is sometimes necessary, especially when a child picks up a bad habit. The young years are so critical in a child's development. What really bothers me is how many parents are blundering about in sheer ignorance, unable to actually parent and teach their children valuable lessons.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau