Becoming adult
How does one become adult? Or put another way how does one find who they are, become aware of what they want or want to do? How does one self-actualize? I apologize for this elementary question, but I'm new and finding my way. I don't know anyone like me. I am a person who knows so little about herself that I like to be what others would have me be. I like to create what others need/want in most any way. You want to fly to Bali, I'll ensure you have a ticket. You want me to go with you for an extended time, I will quit my job. Do you want a fat girl? I will overeat. Do you want a new book? I'll ensure it is in your hands. Blind? I will read it to you. I am a life slut. I believe happiness can be achieved, but personal fulfillment has me flummoxed. How does one go about feeling fulfilled without relying on others and their happiness?