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Old 01-19-2008, 07:19 PM   #19 (permalink)
Aerobit's Avatar
Location: Lubbock, Tx
ok, well i guess i must have givin a few of you guys the wrong idea, i am not "insisting" on getting back together with E. im not even sure that i would consider it..

Originally Posted by Randle2I
Perhaps I just can't read but who started this fight, who tried to reconcile the mistake, and who was the person that decided she should leave? It sounds like she had a rough time growing up but then overcame that and got her life together only to have a silly mistake while being drunk screw it all up. From what I read in that she seems to deserve a second chance.
E started the fight when i politely asked her to call me back when she wasn't so busy, the fight consisted of her hammering me about every little problem we had ever had. so she made the comment that maybe we just weren't meant to be together, i replied with "so your willing to trow away everything we have over some stupid little fight." and she said that she thought it would be best if we were to put our relationship on hold for a while..we got off the phone and 10 min later i couldn't stand it so i tried calling her afew times and finally just gave up when no one answered. the next day i called and tried talking to her but she had firmly made up her mind about putting everything on hold, and even with all the problems going on she sure had alot of nice things to say about FF. this brought up alot of suspicion about the fight that she had started and why, after a phone call to another friend that went along on the trip i was informed that E and FF had slept in the same room the night of the fight and that there was alot of childish flirting going on between the two the rest of the trip. so i have no reason not to think that the reason the fight took place was so she wouldn't feel guilty about messing around with FF during SXSW.

Originally Posted by Randle2I
Again it sounds like you where being a douchebag to her. Your fat fuck of a friend was obviously the rebound guy (and a damn convenient one at that) and her continued contact with you shows that she has feelings for you still. You decided though that because one night she got drunk & called you it was best to just ignore her for six months.

Perhaps I'm wrong in all this and this girl is the worst thing to happen since a nuclear winter, but from what I read I see no reason why you shouldn't give her a chance again. You obviously still have feelings for you and her for you, a lifetime of potential happiness seems like a high price to pay for a drunk phone call.
i sure don't know what i did to make myself look like a douchebag? i thought that i handled my girl fucking one my friends pretty well. i could have done alot worst than just throwing a few items in a front yard, might i ask how you think you would have handled the situation differently. do you seriously think that you could "just be friends" with a girl that was once everything to you, especially when shes shacked up with your so called buddy? at least to me this seems impossible.

thank you all again for taking the time to help
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