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Old 01-18-2008, 09:19 PM   #3 (permalink)
Location: Texas
I see a relationship as an exchange of value for value. When that value cannot be exchanged, and eventually has exhausted it's credit AND will never likely provide value again, it IS, in fact a lost cause. Benefit of the doubt is credit, but it only extends so far. I don't believe in unconditional love. I won't be thinking loving thoughts about Hitler, I cannot love the man and hate the action or whatever, and I don't care to ever get a Valentine that says " I love you for no reason whatsoever. I derive no pleasure from your presence, and find nothing of value in you. I do, however, love you." Nope, I'll pass. The relationship must provide something of value.

All of that being said, I FURTHER believe that if there is no contract, no agreement of sort between two parties, then there is no obligation to try more than is amusing or pleasant to continue a relationship. If one chooses to continue a relationship after that point, then it is a choice, and what consequences come of it, come of it. What choice you, or he, or whomever, makes, is of little consequence to me, so long as it does not impact me or the things / people that I value.

Hope that makes it clear as mud, as we say.. ;-)
Sorry, guess I got all Randy ( it's late, good luck with the pun)
Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies
like a banana.

Last edited by toxic515; 01-18-2008 at 09:21 PM.. Reason: clarification
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