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Old 01-17-2008, 11:57 AM   #1 (permalink)
Aerobit's Avatar
Location: Lubbock, Tx
What Should I Do?

i guess ill start at the very begining...about 15yrs ago in the 7th grade i met a girl and we'll just call her "E". this girl was amazing, from the day we met to the end of the school year we were inseparable. in the summer E moved to a different school district and we eventually lost contact.

well 2yrs later we were reacquainted our sophomore year. we started dating off and on all during high school only to lead to a pretty serious relationship halfway through the senior year. now things kinda get a little complicated, E's mother was an extremely controlling person that literally dictated every aspect of E's life from what kind of shoes she had to wear to who she could date. well until this time everyone had pretty much gotten along with really no problems. then something happened, one day outta the blue the same women that bought us beer from 10th grade on and taught us how to roll a perfect joint just flipped out like a tarantino flic over a clown tattoo i got when i was 15. from that day on we were forbidden to see or talk to one another...needless to say E and i continued our relationship having to hide it from her mother. now its close to graduation and E hasn't shown up to school in a week and she is no where to be found, i finally drive by her house and its for sale? graduation passes and so does about 7yrs and what happened remained a mystery.

then myspace was born, the first person i looked up was E and there she was in austin. we soon became friends again only to learn that her mother had found her diary one day after class and found out about our hidden relationship. well E's mother decided the best course of action was to confront E in the shower with a knife from the kitchen, with that and a few death threats E was on a plane to austin where her dad lived. so now that we found each other again alot has changed, E now has a beautiful 5yr old daughter with a unknown father from a rape situation at a party, she lives with a guy that is physically abusive and does all kinds of drugs with her kid in the house. so E's in a pretty bad situation and wants out. after a few months of talking to her i offer to help her out with a place to stay and anything she needed until she could get out on her own. 2 days later i was on my way to austin for the move.

so she's here and she has a good job, shes going to school everything is great. in this time i find that i am truly in love with this girl and her daughter. so we had been together for about 2yrs so i decided to ask "the question" and she said yes. this was the greatest time in my life so far. then spring break came around and E wanted us to go to SXSW in austin, for the people that don't know its like a week long concert kinda like a mini woodstock. well i couldn't go because i couldn't get away from work so she packed up with afew friends and off they went. she called every night and we talked for hours, and about Wednesday she called while being extremely blitzed and kept talking to everyone she was with, so i just told her "how about you call me later when your not so busy" and the fight was on. well that night ended and we were no longer together due to her drunken decision. well spring break ends she comes home and within a week of trying to work things out she was gone to find her own place.

well shes gone and i learn that her new place is with a mutual friend that she went to SXSW with. this fat fuck that i thought was a good friend took my place almost over night. so with the new arrangement E thought that we could still be friends anyway, well thats just not the way my mind works so i took her everything that she had ever givin me and threw it in the front yard of her new house. so she calls the next day to try and reconcile but that just wasn't an option, so i told her to have a great life with her new man...

well 6 months later which brings us to today, there hasn't been any contact between the two of us, she tried calling a few times and i just avoided it all together until last week on my birthday when i got a call from a strange number, i answer it and its E calling to wish me a happy b-day. taken completely by surprise from the call i couldn't come up with a good excuse not to go out for dinner when the offer was made. so i wont lie dinner was good and so was getting to spend time with E and her daughter.

so this leads me to my question "what would you do?" E has broken up with FF and is now in her own place. she's called me almost everyday since the day we went out to eat and keeps wanting me to come hang out, well so far i have been "busy" every time. i want to know your opinion on what i should do? i have never been in love with anyone but this girl and would be lying if i said i didn't still have feelings for her, good and bad. i'm not sure of her intentions, if she wants to be friends, try to get back together, make FF jealous, i have no to everyone that read the story, Thank You for taking the time to read my ramblings and please, i would really like to hear your thoughts.
thank you all...
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must have solidarity... unity!
The voice of action must be heard...
by the people, for the people, from the people.
We, the people, can take back our country!
We can win!"
- Pastor Neomueller
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