Everything here just comes down to one thing - nothing happened. Iranian boats come into sight of American ships, ask wtf they're doing near their country.. and drive off. Honestly, if Iranian Warships were off the coasts of Canada and America in international waters doing something don't you all think we would go and check it out? Ask what they're doing there? I think we would. Thats all that happened here.
As for the mysterious transmission? Where did it come from? Did it even happen? At this point it doesn't matter. From what i can gather it didn't matter at the time either as the commanders of the American ships never felt threatened. They were not "seconds away from firing". There is absolutely nothing those little speed boats could have done to the American ships unless they were bogged down with explosives. If that were the case they would have needed to get a hell of a lot closer than 200 meters.
Its just 1 more Bush administration concoction of lies. Same old same old. Bush can push all he wants for a war with Iran, it isn't going to happen before his term is over.
We Must Dissent.