From my little browsing, it looks like a mixed bag. Note, for instance, this post:
Originally Posted by An Arizona Mom
A colleague of my husband gave him the book "Interviewing your Daughter's Date". It is written by a father who "will show you how to protect your daughter by taking only 30 minutes to have a man-to-man conversation with her date. Your daughter will thank you, now and forever."
Now, I must say I like the idea of my husband spending time with my daughter's dates before they go out. Just to let him know she comes from a family who loves her enormously and will be watching.... but what strikes me most about the book is how the daughter is helpless, thoughtless and weak and must be protected. And if the father doesn't talk to the boy, who knows what she would let happen?
The father actually puts the date in charge of guarding his daughter's purity. I think I'd like my daughter to be in charge of her own purity. I'd like her to know she calls the shots and that if she's not saying "no" it won't get said.
Anyway, the book just rubbed me wrong. Although I think father's should address boundarys and remind boys that they are driving around and escorting the most precious thing in our life but, I'd like the author to put the boy in charge of HIS OWN purity, and make sure the daughter knows she is empowered to take care of herself... Did anyone else have this reaction to the book???