Yea! Suburbia!
Anyone who knows me knows that to me the suburbs = death.
We found this site after it was discussed on the morning news here this morning. While reading it, shesus and I had to keep telling ourselves, "These people aren't real. This is satire. It
has to be. It just
has to be."
Sadly, it's serious. These people really do exist, and we live among them.
Here's a snippet found while browsing the chat topics:
Well the latest in Time Magazine is that Rowlings, the one who wrote the Harry Potter books is making the "good" wizard dumbbledorf to come out of the closet and announce that he is a "Homosexual".. she new what she was doing, she has drawn in the young minds of the readers so much and now alot of them will feel that it's ok to be a homosexual, cause the "good, wise wizard is" .. and it goes into detail, that as a young boy he had a relationship with Voldemore but broke it off cause he stands for "evil"... So what message does this send the kids?? and the article went on to say that Dumbledorf is fond of Harry Potter. Does that have "pedifiler" written all over it??? ok I will get grief from this, but again, i don't care, if anything it will give people something to think about..
Be careful. These people are procreating at alarming rates.
Grab a something strong to drink, something strong to smoke, spare an hour or two, and have fun browsing.