I'm new to the forums, I hope this turns out ok. You asked what we thought, so here are the questions, along with my answers:
1: What is the nature of the self?
To create perspective.
2: What is the nature of the universe?
To provide a system where the information can be.
3: What is the nature of consciousness?
To experience all that it can.
4: What are states of consciousness?
None(one?) Consciousness is a wave, and though we may place points on it for easy reference, it has no definition.
5: How can one explore various states of consciousness?
See answer to question three.
6: Can we achieve some personal understanding
of the ultimate philosophical questions?
Vague question, I don't think we even know the ultimate philosophical questions yet, and once we do, I don't think words will describe them.
a. The ontological question: what is real?
Real is what everything would experience, if it could experience itself.
b. The epistemological question: how can we know what is real?
We must learn everything that is not, and then compare the two.
c. The ethical question: What is good?
The realization of events that further our hopes, dreams, and/or existance.
d. The (a)esthetic question: what is beautiful?
Hard one I'll assume physical/artistic.
Beautiful is any object that brings a feeling of comfort to the experiencer.
e. The political question: How should we govern ourselves?
As flexibly as possible. Government must change with the people, and people will continue to change.
7: What is the nature and purpose of life?
To give the question an answer.
8: What is the significance and meaning of death?
it is different for everyone, every thing, except the dead.
Sorry in advance for my over-generous use of paradox. I have a tendancy to question the legitimacy of the question in the answer.
Thoughts and discussion on any of this are welcome. (maybe thats assumed, but I guess I'll say it too)