ummm....the paranoia will stop when people embrace the reality that we could die at any moment, and are comfortable taking that roll of the dice.
in this case, i don't see much of a way around this. a low-cost measure was put in place. people with a certain name can't board an airplane. the people screening for these names aren't allowed to have discretion when it comes to application of the policy. it sucks donkey balls, but these people aren't paid to think. they're paid to pay attention to a set of procedures and follow them. if they deviate, they lose their jobs. if they deviate, and something awful happens, they go to jail. this is standard government worker mentality, and it's put in place for a reason. you may not like what it culminates into, but the root policy is one of heuristics and guidelines, so that mistakes don't happen, as much as can be controlled. these guys are going to err on the side of caution, and i promise you they'll stomach another 100 stories of being over-cautious instead of 1 story of not being cautious enough.
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style