Originally Posted by pan6467
Here's some real world news Will, there are millions that believe in Allah and many of them (as proven throughout history) will kill in his name, some may even use terrorism and suicide bombers. Some are very good at recruiting and teaching others to kill. Funny, but these people don't seem to buy into Will's view of the world... they think violence to get what they want is fine, in some cases divine (Jihad... holy war.. you know).
Pan, with all respect, that right there is where cultural relativism breaks down. Killing in the name of self preservation or defense of your family is one thing. That presupposes a clear and present threat thereunto. Killing any other way is wrong. Killing in the name of a God is both wrong and absurd. (I'm not saying he doesn't exist, mind you, just that you can never know.)
Islam is not, by and large, like that - oh, jihad's there in the book all right, but it's not widely observed, or more observed as a spiritual struggle for self betterment. When someone starts talking it up literally, they start being evil - indeed a clear and present danger.
Originally Posted by Shauk
still waiting on my badge.
I'd like to give you Drama, but this is the one you actually completed the requirements for.