To hold a 5 yr old is a bit much, when you see that the person holding the name is that young, I don't think you need to check things any further.
Now, if I'm at an airport and they see my name and hold me.... I don't care, that's a risk I know is possible these days, I have nothing to hide and truly I don't care, except, pay for my ticket if you force me to miss my plane.
Originally Posted by willravel
Killing people is wrong, and there's no such thing as Allah. I'm not sure what your point is.
I find this very one sided, self righteous, elitist and pompous. This is also very demeaning to anyone on here that believes in Islam as a religion. You do have proof Allah doesn't exist right?
Will doesn't believe in Allah and killing is wrong so stop all the violence and preaching of 72 virgins.
Here's some real world news Will, there are millions that believe in Allah and many of them (as proven throughout history) will kill in his name, some may even use terrorism and suicide bombers. Some are very good at recruiting and teaching others to kill. Funny, but these people don't seem to buy into Will's view of the world... they think violence to get what they want is fine, in some cases divine (Jihad... holy war.. you know).