Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
Settle...the fuck...down. I weary of all this sniping.
And, big deal. Security detains a kid, for a few minutes, to positively confirm what everyone already suspects. He is not the droid they are looking for. I doubt that he was jacked up, carted off to Gitmo and waterboarded.
... or sent to the spice mines of Kessel and smashed into who knows what!
At this point, we have in one corner the folks who believe that the mistake is symptomatic of a paranoid government out of control, and in the other corner the folks who believe that it is an unfortunate and not particularly troubling side effect of the necessary and proper measures taken to keep the country safe.
There's no common ground to be found there, and since we can't fight here, let's take it outside.

Or we could just agree that this is one of those things that we are going to disagree and move on.