Well if it makes you feel any better not every woman has pain or discomfort the first time. For me there was no pain, no bleeding, no saddle sore walk afterwards. However, this could be because of many reasons, I was no stranger to masturbation, and my fiance and I were intimate for a year before we actually had sexual intercourse. Plus body shape and size has alot to do with it I think.
*Side note of something I just remembered my mom said to me (shes a teacher and has taught many sex ed classes so I got the schpeal too) when a woman is aroused her vagina will increase in size and relax to allow in the penis.
Good luck, don't think about it hurting when the time comes, the stress will probably just ensure that it will, and have fun with your new hubby!
Frivolity, at the edge of a Moral Swamp, hears Hymn-Singing in the Distance and dons the Galoshes of Remorse. ~Edward Gorey