Two things:
1) Your partner should make sure she has clean hands before giving you a handjob.
2) She/he should be using lube, as it sounds the burning sensation is likely caused by an irritated urethra, rather than a UTI.
A burning sensation when you urinate is abnormal, period. You should be talking to a doctor about this, because, well, a lot of other, more serious things can cause a burning sensation when you urinate, such as an STI. STIs in men can often be hard to diagnose as most men are asymptomatic, and occasional pain when urinating is a symptom for both chlamydia and gonorrhea. By the way, you don't need to have full-on sex to get an STI.
So yeah, I'd go see a doctor. Don't fool around when it comes to your junk, man.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau