Originally Posted by Tophat665
Cynthia McKinney (She of assaulting a Capitol Police Officer) is the Green Party Candidate.
Looks like the Greens are going to try and get that all important Muppet Demographic.
McKinney/Elmo 08.
Nice to see the Greens slink back to the irrelevancy they earned with Nader.
As a conservative I actually have a lot of respect for her even though I disagree on most of her platform. She stood up to Rumsfeld on 3 specific issues: 1. the TRILLIONS missing from the pentagon 2. the Dyncorp sex rings and 3. the drills the military was running on the day of 9/11 depicting the exact same t hing happening at the exact same time.
Rumsfeld really didn't deny any of it, rather he claimed he was uninformed or brushed it off.
Whoever the green party or third party candidates are, hopefully they can take votes away from the Republicans and Democrats and bring the parties back to where they should be.