Originally Posted by Elphaba
I love that the "inevitables" from both parties have been humbled by real people. The pundits' little pointy heads are exploding.
I think that's half right. The pundits love to talk and talk and talk about bipartisanship, and nobody does that better than Obama. The DC pundits HATE HATE HATE Hillary Clinton (and Bill, for that matter), and certainly dislike Edwards' populist message (read: endless stories about his hair). But Obama they like very much. (Note: this isn't meant to bash any of the Democratic candidates. I lean Obama, but I'm happy with them all.)
For the same reason that they hate Edwards, though, they hate Huckabee. He delivers a populist economic message that very directly contrasts the American people with the corporate interests that more or less run DC (and the media companies) today. Huckabee is also decidedly not an establishment insider, as he evinces sincere religious beliefs and comes not from boarding schools and mutual funds but Arkansas (hicksville to the DC insiders, one of the reasons they also hated the Clintons). Now, I happen to think Huckabee would make for a disastrous president, and that none of his policy prescriptions would actually change this country's economic situation for the better. He wouldn't actually do anything to the big corporations. But he campaigns as if he would.
If Huckabee wins the Republican nomination, I fully expect DC insiders to do everything in their power to stop him. They really hate this guy.
P.S. I predict Obama/Somebody vs. McCain/Somebody. I just can't see Romney winning with his combination of under performance, obvious lying, and (unfortunately this matters in the Republican primary) Mormon faith. I think Republicans will eventually settle on McCain as the candidate they least utterly despise, as at the very least he has the respect of a lot of people and gets the full-on blowjob treatment from the press.