Well first off you have to eliminate the stress factor. While vibrators are a good varience they can make it harder for you to masturbate when you want to. As can some lubs that have just come out on the market. They Ky Warming gel is good but it has it's pos and cons.
I see hundreds of patients that come in and have the same frustrating problems. Men and women. There is a factor that most people over look, and that is vitamins. If you are active or even if you are not active if your lacking certain vitamins they can actually make your body not respond the way you would like as does not having enough water intake.
One suppliment that men and women can take to help their body is called Lysine, if you have other medications you take check with your doctor. But Lysine is a key ingredient in many "Sexual Potions" on the market. you can look up the other vitamins that you should take along with the above on the net..
Now it takes two weeks for any medication to reach a good level in your body to become efective but you will find that after you start taking the vitamins you will not have the hendered effects or lack of stimulation that you want when you want. I am a guy and had a simialiar problem I even went to a collegue of mine he told me the same thing I am stating here, and it did have positive effects on me. Plus work your PC muscle, you can do this with no one knowing you are doing your exercise anywhere. You can look up on the net abuot how to do this if you do not know how to already.