Originally Posted by Ustwo
Maybe its to keep people from screwing with primaries by voting for the worst candidate on the other side.
For example I'd love every right wing voter to vote to nominate Kusinich, but only because I know he would lose the general election. That sort of tampering isn't the intent of the primary.
Edit: ah uber covered it.
The poll needs to be reworded really.
Its who you VOTE for that matters, not who you align with (aka Libertarian).
Am I supposed to be in awe of this *new* revelation, U2? Sheesh. That argument is the whole basis of the SCOTUS review of one state's voting record that got automatically extended to my state. There is no evidence that primary voting was ever manipulated in that way in Washington, but what the hey! You must now choose a political "name" for yourself and if you refuse to do so you cannot participate in the primaries. Primary games are not the issue. Forced voter identification of party is the issue.