Originally Posted by Elphaba
Washington State has recently required that we register our party affiliation, due to a Supreme Court decision that was reviewed for another state. I hate it! We are a State that has a large contingent of Independents (at least on the West side) but now we cannot participate in the primaries unless we pick a party ahead of time. What became of our right to privacy of the vote, if we must declare a party? This makes vote tampering all the more easier imo.
That's an interesting point Elphaba. I suppose the reasoning goes that primary elections aren't for public office. But then, they shouldn't have any standing in the general election.
It's tricky, because I can see the point that the Republicans don't want Democrats voting in the Republican primaries because they might get a weak candidate nominated for the general election (or vice versa --- I actually read something about the Dems feeling that Huckabee would be a great "glass jaw" opponent). In fact, the trickiness of the situation just goes to reinforce my belief that it is our political parties that run this country, not the elected officials or the people.
P.S. Atreides, it's too bad there's no unaffiliated or independent option that doesn't include "apathetic". You want a poll edit? It's your choice.