Originally Posted by dksuddeth
You were doing good right up until the point that you told them you didn't know where she was. Because you did actually know and told them you did not know, you were technically harboring a fugitive, ONLY if they actually had a warrant. Here is the thing, if there really was a warrant, they would not have needed your permission to search your house for her, provided YOUR address was on the warrant. They either didn't have the warrant or didn't have YOUR address on the warrant. You were totally in the right when refusing them entry and there was nothing they could do about it.
You do not need to provide ID on demand unless you're getting a ticket for a driving infraction. All you are required to do is give them a name and an address.
I appreciate your comments, but as, I believe, I explained above, I did not know where she was. It was after her work hours and she was not at home. It's that simple. Why do think I knew where she was?
There was a warrant, but it was an arrest warrant, not a search warrant.
I know about the ID, but like I said before, I am cooperative. It wouldn't have helped not to show them, and I was genuinely not trying not to fuck with them.
Thank you for the kudos.