Originally Posted by samcol
Facebook wasn't the only example I was refering to though. All the major indicators tell a different story than the standard land line polls. Facebook happens to be simliar to these other indicators.
You do realize cell phones are quickly phasing out land-lines totally. 2007 will be the first year people spent more on cell phones than standard phones, and cell phones out number standard phone lines significantly. Granted some of these are corporate phones but the trend is significant I believe.
samcol.....you still dont understand or accept the need for statistical validity and representative samples for any poll to have meaning.
BTW, some of the larger national polls now include cell phones and others are moving to keep up with that changing demographic as well...and they all rely on commonly accepted polling protocols and factor in the potential missing cell phone voters in their determinations ....unlike any internet poll.
If money and internet polls were "major indicators", dont you think Romney, Guilinni, Thompson would be attacking Ron Paul instead of Mike Hucakbee?
Is there a chance that this is throwing polls off?
Far, far, far less than the fact, for example, that the largest voting block in the country, those over 50, are vastly underrepresented on the Internet. (Is your mother a facebook member? Does your father go any online poll and "click" ....or participate in text message polls?)