Interesting. I believe the Facebook to be more accurate. It's funny how you look at the people who scored higher on the abc poll than the facebook poll it's the usual media establishment hacks, Giuliani, and Clinton. The media decided long ago it's going to be Giuliani vs. Clinton and all their news reporting has given them favorable time compared to other candidates.
On the other hand candidates like Obama, Kucinich and Paul gain significantly on the facebook poll.
I think we are starting to see a shift away from the old land-line polling technology. Perhaps like when phones were first used to do polls and they were very innacurate because only a certain demographic owned phones.
Every other major indicator shows similar results (straw polls, money raised, meetup groups, online polls, overall online buzz, caucuses), however the old phone polling shows things significantly different.
It's time for the president to hand over his nobel peace prize.