Facebook Supporters* ABC News Poll**
Barack Obama 57.47% 23%
Hillary Clinton 18.74% 53%
John Edwards 8.65% 10%
Dennis Kucinich 6.12% 2%
Joe Biden 2.98% 3%
Bill Richardson 2.72% 3%
Mike Gravel 2.52% NA
Chris Dodd 0.79% NA
Ron Paul 33.64% 3%
Mitt Romney 16.93% 17%
Fred Thompson 14.08% 14%
Mike Huckabee 12.58% 19%
John McCain 11.24% 12%
Rudy Giuliani 9.57% 25%
Thomas Tancredo 1.00% NA
Duncan Hunter 0.96% 2%
I'm sure this has been covered but I'm quite surprised about the big differences between Facebook users and the "general voting population" (I don't know how ABC selected its sample). Some simple observations include:
1) Facebook users are generally more educated than the population at large
2) Facebook users are more web-inclined (duh)
3) Facebook users are younger
Giuliani is taking an especially harsh beating on Facebook. (Maybe that's because his
daughter is on there.)
Personally I would lean towards Obama and McCain.