Originally Posted by Redlemon
I'm in a high-barter industry (massage therapy), but I haven't tried to put it into practice yet. And, just to re-emphasize what Ustwo said, barter is taxable in the United States. You might not get caught, but the IRS can bust you for it.
see, i dont' understand how it would be taxable and illegal if caught. i own a laundry business, you are a farmer. i launder your clothes for a bunch of vegetables. how do you tax that? why would that be illegal if i just threw your clothes in the wash and you gave me some spinach?
Originally Posted by xepherys
How you could make this statement and utterly fail to mention the supply guys stuns me.
i don't see the favors and hook-ups you get in the military as bartering. the supply guy has some extra glow plugs for your broken humvee that is redlined. he needs some camo nets for an upcoming change of command inventory. you trade. to me, that's not bartering, but maybe i'm just fucked up in the way i see things.