Ok here's my take on this report. It's bullshit. Seriously. Who gives a fuck what 2 people that were part of two New York clubhouses said.. when the only reason they started dropping dimes on people was to try and get a lesser sentence.
Mitchell held no power whatsoever in this "investigation". While I'm not saying that some of these people used or distributed, it's not like baseball has been clean and this is something new. I would be alot more comfortable with this kind of report if there was actuall corraborating (sp?) evidence to support the name list. Also, how the hell did Mcquire and Sosa not make the list?
I'm too the point now that I don't really give a fuck if a player uses HGH. It's their body, their career and their decision. The only thing that stops me from not caring at all is the records and wondering if our beloved stars from the past were really clean or not.
Either way, this is far from over. Expect the players union to come out firing with all available ammo. This is when it will get really nasty.