red sox??? eric gagME was named...
every single team was named... but you have to remember that many players change teams like underwear...
but, what has to wonder, what is the effect that we the fans now have toward the game in itself... do we look the other way... pay the salaries for "back door" gamesmanship... hold these idols to a higher standard... pass on the values to our children that these heroes are in fact cheaters... you gonna buy baseball cards anymore... gonna go to an autograph show... ???
these are all questions we must look at as individuals and the answers are simple... "what's it worth?"
knowing this was gonna hit the very core of our lives as baseball fans, i, too, will be forever second guessing the next great icon in sports
to listen to selig state that "baseball has the strictest testing in all of sports" is pure bullshit - the ioc does... regardless, selig should just go away, lick his nuts, admit he's not the comissioner he thinks he is... and brush himself under the rug with the rest of them... watching him back pedal made me want to puke... he's a hypocrite
it's all about the money... nothing more... nothing less