I agree with the tour groups point. My trip to Russia and points east was with two of my best friends. We met people along the way but all went our separate ways at the next point.
I did an organized tour of Edinburgh a few years ago and NEVER AGAIN. I've never been less proud to be an American. It was like being with Flounder from "Animal House" for a day - fat, drunk, stupid and needy crammed into a small bus. Ugh.
My best suggestion if you're going to Western Europe: pick a destination country, fly into the major airport then head out from there to whatever catches your eye. My wife and I flew to Naples a few years ago, drove down to Tuscany (and only rented the car because we had to pick someone up on the way who wasn't able to easily get to a train station), returned the car the same day in Florence, then took the train to Siena and a taxi to the villa where we were all staying. We took daytrips from there. That was with a group of between 6 and 10 (depending on the day), but it works just as well with only two. If you want to change your base of operations every few days, that's easily accomplished with an overnight train ride.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - B. Franklin
"There ought to be limits to freedom." - George W. Bush
"We have met the enemy and he is us." - Pogo