Originally Posted by soma
Care to share 
Guess I'll start one thing at a time.
Cognitive Disonance.
We often think about the future or the past. We create personas for our partners to wear. We think of how our lovers were or how they should be. There is much that we do which takes us away from the moment happening right now. All these things stop us from seeing what's happening right before our eyes. It makes us see someone else before us. It makes us miss out on how wonderful, beautiful and special our lovers trully are RIGHT NOW.
I think the most common scenario is one where the honeymoon hormones run out (yes this is a natural human biological process) and we panic. We long for the sex life and feeling we used to have. The truth is that there is a whole world of love and sexuality beyond that initial phase of lust. We just have to stop trying to hold on to the past and look at the pressent.
You know how when we meet someone we pay attention to everything they do because every action is novel to us. Well relationaships grow and people change. The person you've been with all this time can still surprise you.
So that's my first lesson learned. To stay in the moment. To appreciat the now, what's real, before me.