People have an insatiable need to be hypnotized by authority; they seek a magical protection as when they were infants protected by their mother. This is the force that acts to hold groups together, intertwined within a mutually constructed but often mindless interdependence. This mindless group think also builds a feeling of potency. The members feel a sense of unity within the grasp of their leadership.
Human nature to organize in this way. I think that humans are always looking for hierarchy, that such a rank structure is always present in societies regardless of philosophical ideals. I feel that we define ourselves based on not being equals, on a class system with those who have and those who don't, those who are rich and those who are turnip-eaters, those who fight and those who are protected, male and female, one skin pigmentation versus another, etc.
I don't see it as "hardcore mania" as expressed above, though. The rebellious side of the human animal embraces changing the system to make it more favorable to the individual as much as it wants to adhere to it as it is good for everyone.
We like how the streets are paved in taxpayer-provided asphalt and our trash is collected every Thursday, but we don't like to follow the speed limit signs and, on the superficial side, we'll go to great lengths to decorate our organic vessels with clothing, tattoos, piercings, and other material expressions of how we self-segregate in society. Other "deviations" may be our sudden change in career choice, hobbies, and social / physical activities.
I feel that we have a threshold to how much we want to belong as a failsafe despite how we exercise most of our rebellion in fantasy.