I really appreciate all the replies - thanks guys.
I took Jinn's advice and explained the situation to the owner of the venue and while she refused to reimburse me the cash value for the batteries, she did offer me free tickets to any upcoming concert of my choosing. I'll request tickets to their most expensive upcoming show I can find and resell them at the door on the night of the show.
Fair is fair.
As far as bailment is concerned regarding your property, since they didn't
give you any ticket stub there was no bailment created, which is what happens when you give your car to a lot attendant, your coat to a coat check person, your dry cleaning etc.
But it certainly can be argued that as he was under the employ of the owners of the venue at the time in which he entered into a verbal agreement with me to return my belongings upon my exit from the club, he left the club susceptible to any reasonable damages it may face as the result of his defaulting upon our agreement.
Bailment - delivery of goods in trust, upon contract, either expressed or implied, that the trust shall be faithfully executed on the part of the bailee.
Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
I don't bring my camera or cellphone to shows because of the camera hassles. I'm not interested in it. I don't care about "but everyone else was doing it...." that's no excuse. You saw the signs and disregarded them. You got singled out, and sucks to be you.
I must admit that coming from an admin, that was surprisingly rude.
I'm practically drowning in ticket stubs from the 200+ shows I've been to this year and I've taken pictures at most of those shows without any sort of harassment from the staff while most of those venues have postings that forbid photography.
It may seem to be exactly that cut and dry but I can assure you that you're wrong.