thank you for good sex and relationships
Hey guys. Long time no see. Allot has happened to me over the past few years. I've gone though the whole "player" phase. Slept around allot. Learned much about myself. Now I am in a nine month long relationship which I am absolutely ecstatic with. I am pretty sure I'll marry this girl.
More importantly though is that I've learned so much about myself, sexuality and women over the past few years. It's been an incredible ride with it's highest highs and terrible lows. Now I am just comfortable. I got it. I've figured out the basics of what makes a relationship tick. Sweetness! A big sigh of relief. It's like learning how to surf and finally catching that awesome wave, getting up on that board, and ridding it to the end. You get to the beach and realize that you did it and that you can do it again. You are finally free to just Enjoy.
I have to say that I couldn't have done it with you guys. This board. This group of open minded people. This forum did so much to get me on my way to sexual liberation, education and every other 'ation. Cheers to the Tilted Forum Project.