Just a couple of notes here: one, never ever ever put cold water into your ear, or you'll end up with nasty pass-out worthy vertigo. Two, USTWO! Shame on you! Didn't they tell you in school - nothing smaller than your finger should be shoved in your ear? No Q-Tips! You can cause a worse wax impaction that way, plus all kinds of other things.
As for Medusa's son, you can try to use a curette at home, but it's often painful if he's got any kind of serious buildup. But basically, you'd get the doctor to show you how and you'd scrape out the excess wax. If you're worried about this leading to increased ear infections, you can dropper a solution of half alcohol and half vinegar into his ear. Other ideas to ask the doctor about
• Cerumenex
• Carbamide Peroxide (Debrox)
• Mineral Oil
• Docusate sodium
• Curretage
• Irrigation
• Peroxide/Water combo (50:50)
* Be sure solutions are BODY temp before applying or else severe vertigo/puking may occur!
These are all ideas to solve cerumen impaction. From my fundamentals of ENT treatment course, so I'd say they're pretty reliable ideas.