Originally Posted by BulletCatcher
Of course everything is just speculation at this point. Is there an actual 'smoking gun' that undeniably proves he was fired for giving a bad review? Has Jeff Gertsmann himself confirmed this?
I'd take the following statement with a grain of salt, but I read he wasn't fired for the content of the review, but the tone of it. Either way something doesn't seem right.
Originally Posted by BulletCatcher
Why was the review even posted in the first place? Doesn't GS have an editorial staff that approves what gets posted or do the reviewers get to post whtever they want?
That's the one real issue that keeps bugging me about this whole thing. There certainly has to be more to the story, and perhaps biznatch is 100% correct. He wasn't fired just for this review, but it was the straw that broke the camel's back.