Originally Posted by BulletCatcher
Of course everything is just speculation at this point. Is there an actual 'smoking gun' that undeniably proves he was fired for giving a bad review? Has Jeff Gertsmann himself confirmed this?
So far I've seen nothing but rumor and speculation with plenty of places claiming to have an inside source but no real proof. If Eidos pressured GS then why is the review still up for everyone to see? Why was the review even posted in the first place? Doesn't GS have an editorial staff that approves what gets posted or do the reviewers get to post whtever they want?
Too many questions and accusations flying around at this point. I'm no fan of GS (too console centric for my taste) but neither do I think it's fair for them to be blamed for something that may not be true.
The review was removed from their site, but it can be found on youtube.
There is no doubt in my mind that this review was a major factor in his termination, even though it seemed to have been building up for a while.