Originally Posted by ItWasMe
We have found a couple of wallets over the years, in parking lots. We took them to a phone nearby, found phone numbers, and called the owners. Returned those wallets to their owners. If we couldn't find a phone number, we would have turned it in to a nearby business (whose parking lot we were in). That wasn't our first choice, since we knew that as long as we had it, and were looking for the owner, the wallet was safe. It never once occured to us to be worried about police entrapment.
Note to self: forget about being a good samaritan in New York if I ever visit.
This is what I would normally do too. Imagine picking up a wallet in a parking lot as you were entering your car. Now, do you just ignore it or pick it up and get into your car and start looking for the owner?
I guess my instinct would still be to try to find the owner because in that position I'd hope someone would do the same for me...but the idea that I'm committing some kind of crime is chilling!