A. have any of you guys done this/ have this happen to you where the person just drops the relationship without any word?
I had a BF with who I thought things were going absolutely great just up and leave the state so yeah kindof. It was very sudden we'd spent the weekend right before he left painting his house together (he asked me for help I wasn't making him redecorate). Then all of a sudden he just starts avoiding my calls and never called me. I got a call from him about 8 months later saying he was doing some 12 step program and was meant to ring and ask for forgiveness all the people he felt he had wronged. He then proceeded to try to get back into a relationship with me, just because you tell someone you forgive them doesn't mean you're stupid enough to open yourself up to that kindof pain again.
It's hard to deal with it though because it just seems so out of the blue when it happens there's no hints that anything was wrong, that something was bothering them, not that you can see anyways and then suddenly 'poof' everythings gone and you're left wondering how long they were lying to you about being happy.
C. what do you think was the reason she has done what she did?
To me it sounds like things came up in life and she's been completely overwhelmed. Maybe stuff suddenly came up with her family and she lost her financial backing. That means she needs to find a decent paying job, a car, a place to stay, money for rent, food, electricity, phone etc etc etc That doesn't leave alot of time for you. Maybe she really liked you can doesn't think it's fair to keep you around when her life is so fucked up and she isn't capable of putting her all into the relationship.
Or maybe for her it was just a fling.
No matter how much you try to figure it out you'll never know what was going through her head during this. Fact is the relationship is over, you're not going to get back together with her. Not much you can do but take a deep breath and move on (which from me does not necessarily mean new pussy the way it does from Ustwo).