Originally Posted by host
I am young, healthy,and I'm gonna be rich from participating in "the free market economy". These are my politics, and this is my leader:
The poor, elderly, and infirm, demanded too much, so fuck them, and to hell with their dignity....
But is that what he is really saying? Having a system where people are accountable for their own actions would not be an overnight process, who knows how long it would take. There are also programs that could never completely go away like state level developmental disability programs and similiar.
I was medically discharged from the military from an injury I sustained. That qualified me for unemployment at the Hawaii rate which is the highest in the nation or was at the time. So when I relocated to San Diego I was still receiving Hawaii rated unemployment which was nice- and very lazy of me. The reality is if I would have responsibly saved I could have survived with a combination of that and my sev pay. Would the rich have an advantage- yes they would. Someone born into wealth is going to have an easier time not doubt about it.
With hard work, determination, and 100% intention any citizen could create their own wealth. If someone is unhappy with wealth dispersment then develop a better roduct or service. The dark side of this comes when the federal government shows bias or corruptley bends loopholes to allow companies like Walmart to flourish.