What's funny is depite all the hate on these forums towards him, he's probably going to break 4,5,6,10 million on dec. 16th. Who knows
Then you look at people like Barrack Obama who tried to organizea a money bomb through their campaign and didn't even get $5,000. Guess that shows where his money is coming from...
Face it, Ron Paul is very popular among people who have actually heard of him. The debate polls, straw polls, and money bombs prove that.
All I can do is laugh at the positions on saving social security. You want me to continue to participate in a systems that was flawed the day it was implemented and has not been fixed in over 70 years. Who's the selfish one? The current and soon to be receivers of this program, or the young people who realize they will never see a dime of this money and just want out.
I think it's the baby boomer+ generations that are being selfish about social secuirity. A 70 year long financial raping of citizens and you want me to continue that. ROFL
Oh, trolling is cool too. At least host posts reasonable debate points.