Based on another thread:
What does dating mean to you?
Is "dating" something that two exclusive people do, like a boyfriend/girlfriend situation, or is dating merely the word for seeing anyone, meaning you could see more than one person at the same time and you're simply "dating around"?
If, let's say, you go out to dinner and hang out with a couple of different people (and are making it clear that you're not being exclusive, this is not about being shady), are you "dating" all of them? Or are you simply "seeing more than one person"?
This is really just to gauge personal opinion on the matter, there is no "right" or "wrong". For me, "dating" means exclusivity- like boyfriend/girlfriend, even if you're not at the stage yet to say you're boyfriend and girlfriend. I think if I were to ever be seeing more than one girl overlapping at any time (I'd be shocked lol), I'd just say I'm "seeing two chicks at the moment" instead of "I'm dating two chicks".
So, what say you all? Also, feel free to jazz it up with anecdotes if you have any.