Originally Posted by analog
, or they're really just pushing the issue because they're being emotional.
They aren't looking for justice, they're looking for revenge- in whatever form they can find. I can't blame them, but that doesn't mean it's right.
I think you are entirely wrong. They may want revenge, and it would be unusual if thet did not - but that is hardly the motivation for their campaign.
They are doing it because they want to DO SOMETHING... to somehow deal with the fact that there is nothing they can do to save their daughter.
For once, I agree with you on the main point though. The grief that the parents feel must be terrible, and it is not helpful for the media to lay them vulnerable with public campaigns and laminations like that. They should protected and allowed to cope with this in private. Yes - it is a silly law that they propose, on the whole; and yes I completely understand why they want to propose it, but this wont help them heal, it will tie them evermore to the tragedy in a way that is damaging.
Lastly, the adults responsible for taunting this poor girl are amongst the lowest scum of humanity. People vandalising their house should be the least of their concerns.
(edit - I of course meant lamentations, not laminations)