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Old 11-13-2007, 08:12 AM   #1 (permalink)
Sorority Girls & Fraternity Guys...

As many of you are aware, I'm a student at Texas Tech University up in Lubbock, TX. This university has Greek life and therefore it has sorority girls and fraternity guys. The reason for this thread is to discuss the stereotypes of these people.

I personally have had different run-ins with each. I have several good guy friends who are in Christian fraternities and do not yield any of the "asshole" stereotypical traits that would be expected of a frat dude. I usually give them a lot of crap for being in their frats, for fun of course. However, when it comes to the female aspect of it, I have met some really rude, self-centered sorostitute (pronounched SOR-OST-I-TUTE :James made the word) sluts whom I think are a waste of space on this earth.

This morning in my art appreciation class this blond girl behind me kept putting her feet on the back of my chair, nearly touching my head. I asked her to not do that, and to either move em or lose em if you get my drift. I wasn't hostile about it, but firm. So class starts, we turn in our collages and as class is ending this same girl puts her feet up again on the back of another ladies chair right next to me. I look at her and I said "Excuse me, but that's very rude. Put your feet down." Her reply was "GOD, what a stupid little bitch...I'll kick your ass after class" the last part was muttered under her breath. To which I replied "Try it, I dare you. That's a very rude thing to do." After that she didn't say anything. The lady next to me thanked me; she looked to be in her 40s and she's switching careers which is why she's back in school again for another degree.

After this experience it really makes me hate these kinds of girls. They look down at you if you don't wear a specific brand of clothing and things of that nature. I realize that not all sorority girls are like this, however it seems like about 90% are. My personal stereotypes of them are that they are spoiled, rich, and self-centered mostly because they don't know any different. They pay to join a group, and to have friends. I have friends for free. I also hate to see these girls because often times they are bleached blond, fake baked, fake boobed, and every other horrible thing people can do to themselves to fit into the current trend. I feel sorry for them, too much makeup and such. They drive and wreck expensive cars only to be reimburses with another of the same value later.

So people...any of you guys ever have these sorts of run-ins with sorostitutes? Fraternity brothers?
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