she's overloaded and she needs therapy and/or a more relaxed schedule. this isn't a story of some kid who has been in college for 8 years trying to get into med school with a C undergrad gpa. this is a chick that is trying to bust through undergrad in 3 years (already at least a year ahead of schedule in most 4 year universities)
AND skip straight into med school. this likely has nothing to do with her not being intelligent, or not being fit to be a doctor. my guess is that she's not emotionally prepared for the near-robotic lifestyle that you have to take on in order to go through that sort of program. maybe she's not cut out to be a trauma surgeon operating on the international space station using only a roll of duct tape and nail file, but she's likely more than smart enough to get into med school.
i would sit her down, encourage her to go to therapy, and ask her how she feels about the program. there will be a lot of ego involved, but my guess is the
healthiest thing will be if she slows down her schedule for matriculation. some people need to take things more slowly, so that they can be happy with the entirety of their lives. maybe she needs more down-time. more walks in the park. more chances to relax, and read literature and bullshit...
people are different, and go through different things at different times. i don't think it's her career goals that are necessarily wrong; but this program doesn't seem to be working for her. frankly, it wouldn't have worked for me either. that's the creation of automotons, for
most people. i mean, not you
newt...but other people