Illegal Immigration
Illegal immigration...
There are at least 12 million people in the United States who are not supposed to be here. I was wondering if anyone had any opinions on what's to be done about this.
While I feel that illegal immigrants are bad for our society, we can't go on a witch hunt and throw them out. Moreover, any politicians who suggest a hard stance on illegal immigration face political suicide in the face of the growing Latino vote.
I believe this is true because of the Latino emphasis on family. It seems to me, unfortunately, that the only realistic way to fix this problem is blanket amnesty for illegal immigrants and their families. I think that Latinos would accept a compromise -- amnesty and legal alien status to illegals and their immediate families, in exchange for a wall, and much tougher laws against illegals. Once the illegals were made legal aliens, they would pay an extra tax to pay for their previous time spent as an illegal and the ability to be with their families; of course, they would be getting a pay raise anyway since now they couldn't be paid under minimum wage.
This is the only way I see that will work. These 12 million aren't leaving, and we don't have the resources to hunt them down if we wanted to. At least if we did this, yeah, maybe there would be 20 million people instead of 12 million, but illegal immigration would effectively stop after that. We would have passed extremely strict legislation forbidding their employment with extremely harsh penalties and a big wall, all with the Latino approval.
Does anyone else have opinions on the topic? Ideas that legislators would sign on to? Ideas that Latinos would agree to?