Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
There are probably organizations in your area that loan out traps for feral cats. My boyfriend's grandmother has trapped over 20 cats for the humane society in her area, who then takes the feral cats, spays/neuters them, marks them as feral cats by clipping the tip of an ear, and gives them back to Grandma to be released.
Here is a link on trapping feral cats: http://www.feralcat.com/trapinst.html
Your local humane society would have information on feral cat trapping practices in your area.
It's really important that people who love cats step up and trap feral cats. 
I appreciate the info, although we already have a cat trap. There are not many shelters around that will take in a feral cat without killing them, trust me my folks have done their homework on this. We're on our third set of kittens to be domesticated and adopted. My parents go through the process of trying to fix the whore mother cat and then domesticate, fix, and have the kittne adopted. Fortunately this is the last group for my parents to deal with. My mom has a big heart for pets, we have gotten all the kittens fixed, shots, and they are very well fed and cared for. Now two of the six have been adopted, the other four are still not quite ready. Hence...the problem at hand. Rusty trying to rape little Blackie! Oh my! So that's the cat story.
Oh and my dad has hauled off about 35 raccoons in our metal trap, and has lent it to a neighbor for the time being. The raccoons are a real menace, they eat the feral kitties food and muddy up the water.