Originally Posted by host
The U.S. choice to make an unwavering commitment to the regime of a military dictator of a country so important in the described war on terror, even as that war was supposed to be about "bringing democracy", is now even more troubling to me.
Isn't it reasonable to suspect that the current regimes in both Pakistan and in the US pose more immediate and graver threats to the way of life of the inhabitants of both countries, than the "terrorists" do, today?
Host, you go to great lengths to expose the falsehoods and deceits of an administration, which is a great thing and should serve to open the minds up of even the most stubborn sheeple in this country, then blow it all to hell with trying to declare that only the democrats are capable of fixing all of this and getting our 'government' on track.
you squarely place yourself right back in the herd of 'sheeple' by loudly declaring that we should settle for the lesser of two evils (democrats) and are only perpetuating the facade of freedom.
stop that and try to bring about real change instead of choosing freedom based on ignorance over freedom based on lies.