Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
Edit: Since the majority of pedophiles are gay males, why is it 'wrong' to make a correlation between the two?
I would
adore a citation for this little tidbit of information.
I'll try to break this down for you as fairly as I can, given that I think generally you're deliberately trying to not understand because it gets in the way of your feelings on the issue.
Pedophilia and statutory rape fall into two fairly distinct (though equally illegal) categories. The first one, and the one that you're talking about, is liking SEXUALLY DEVELOPED (or developing) pre-teen/teenagers who happen to be below the age that we as a society have arbitrarily assigned as the "age of consent." The best and most common example of this is the middle/high school teacher having sex with her student. The student is sexually mature but below the age of consent. The student has breasts, pubic hair, can ejaculate, etc. They just happen to be under 16 or 18 or whatever the exact age is. In this case, your point has
some legitimacy, because the only reason they can't give "consent" is because we have legally defined them as incapable of giving consent. It doesn't mean that they don't want to have sex or don't understand what sex is or can't enjoy it or anything else. It just means that they're below an assigned number. There are a myriad of reasons for WHY we have that number, which I'm not really inclined to go into, because it's not the point here.
The second kind, and the one that the rest of us are primarily talking about but which you're ignoring, is being sexually attracted to prepubescent children who have not begun any biological transformation towards sexual maturity. Before puberty, sex doesn't mean anything and is not something the body is prepared for or designed to do from a biological perspective. If you shaved their heads and covered their genitals, most boys and girls before puberty look basically the same. Their bodies have not begun to show the clear differentiation that we expect between the sexes (breasts and curves for girls, upper body breadth, deepening voice and general bulking up for guys). A child in this condition CANNOT consent by any definition, because no matter how clearly you try to explain what's about to happen, their bodies and minds simply are not prepared or designed to participate in the sexual act. Pedophiles ignore this inability to understand what sex is and means and, in fact, are attracted to the pre-sexual state and ignorance. They're forcing their will (and comprehension of sex) on a person who has neither the mental comprehension of what sex is nor the biological facilities to participate fully in it.
There is simply no analogue to adult consenting homosexuality or heterosexuality or anything else.