Originally Posted by Prince
Thank you for your replies. I appreciate any and all advice.
Ustwo - I hear you about going with her, but, I gotta get up at 5:45 am just so I can make it to class on time... I don't think she would limit her going out to the weekends. I think it would work out a couple of times but I think in the long-term her co-workers would start seeing me as a bit of an ass; I'm not really talkative in booze-enriched company, I tend to mostly stare at the band and count the minutes. Although I guess I don't really care much about what they think...
It doesn't matter what her single co-workers think, it does matter what your wife thinks. You really REALLY need to communicate to her what you are feeling/thinking here, asap.
Oh, and that couple we befriended that moved out of town... She's going out of town soon for an overnight stay at their place to see the wife (they were co-workers and good friends). Some other co-workers are going too, to booze it up of course. Am I excited? Fuck no. I'll be in class.
This to me has big ugly red flags attached. Under the circumstances is a recipe for a little extramarital sex.
I hope it all works out, but you seem set in your desires, her in hers, and at best I see a major fight in your future, at worst I see you parting ways.