Originally Posted by Ustwo
Please stop telling me I'm not thinking because I don't think like you do. <h3>This isn't some 9/11 thing where someone ignores physics to justify their take that it had to be an inside job or that a plane didn't hit the pentagon.</h3> This is me and you taking the same data, same 'science' and coming to difference conclusions.
I am not parroting anything the administration is saying, said, or will say, as I have no idea what they are currently saying. I pretty much gave up on day to day politics before the 2004 election as if I continued down that path I'd have started to vote from the rooftops. Being angry over what no one here has any effect over is stupid and part of why I left tfp to start with.
I THINK, yes THINK, using this head with a well above average IQ and 30 solid years of the best education available (do you get the point that I'm thinking, and using my brain, and not just one half but both halves, in a combined whole) that the war in Iraq is worth the cost. I don't care what the motivations of Bush, the 'real' 9/11 terrorists, or illuminati, or the NWO are. I think, thats ME, the guy who goes by the name USTWO on tfp, the guy host thinks is an agent of the the shadow government out to get you all, right here, typing this now that the cost of the war is justified.
You, unlike many on tfp, are old enough to have real memories of the cold war. Do you remember that climate? The concept that what was holding war back was not in that we could protect ourselves but that we could hurt them just as bad?
Now I want YOU to think, to stop accusing me of not thinking because I do not view the world as you do. YOU think for a moment and now think of a cold war where instead of the Russians, a people not to far from our own in thought and action, the soviet system aside, people who see no value in dying needlessly for a cause, we have Islamic fundamentalists. Think of THEM with the ICBM's but unlike the last cold war, these are in the hands of people who view their own citizens deaths as just a glorious martyrdom and ours as filthy infidels who need to die for the global Ummah.
This is a game of supremacy. The problem is you don't know when you win, only if you lose. I THINK the invasion of Iraq has helped, I THINK Iran should be bombed instead of strong words being given.
I THINK its time for me to go out and have a nice lunch of sushi.
There is even a lesson in that, if you look deep enough.
...Mr. Scientist....does any of the following strike you as odd?
....United States v. Ted Olson
In the course of doing research for this article, we learned, to our amazement, that even if, contrary to our evidence, Flight 77 did have functioning onboard phones, the US government has now said, implicitly, that Ted Olson’s claim about receiving two calls from his wife that morning is untrue.
As we mentioned earlier, the FBI report on phone calls from AA planes on 9/11 does not cite records from the DOJ showing that any calls from AA 77 were received that morning. Instead, the FBI report refers merely to four “connected calls to unknown numbers.” The 9/11 Commission, putting the best possible spin on this report, commented: “The records available for the phone calls from American 77 do not allow for a determination of which of [these four calls] represent the two between Barbara and Ted Olson, although the FBI and DOJ believe that all four represent communications between Barbara Olson and her husband’s office.”27 That is, it must be said, a very strange conclusion: If Ted Olson reported receiving only two calls, why would the Commission conclude that the DOJ had received four connected calls from his wife?
That conclusion is, in any case, starkly contradicted by evidence about phone calls from Flight 77 presented by the US government at the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui in 2006.28 Far from attributing all four of the “connected calls to unknown numbers” to Barbara Olson, as the 9/11 Commission suggested, the government’s evidence here attributes none of them to her, saying instead that each of them was from an “unknown caller.” The only call attributed to Barbara Olson, moreover, is an “unconnected call” to the Department of Justice, which was said to have been attempted at “9:18:58” and to have lasted “0 seconds.” According to the US government in 2006, in other words, Barbara Olson attempted a call to the DOJ, but it did not go through.29 The government itself has presented evidence in a court of law, therefore, that implies that unless its former solicitor general was the victim of two faked phone calls, he was lying.
It may seem beyond belief that the US government would have failed to support Ted Olson’s claim. We ourselves, as we indicated, were amazed at this development. However, it would not be the first time that the FBI---surely the agency that prepared this report about phone calls from the flights30---had failed to support the official story about 9/11. We refer to the fact that when Rex Tomb, the FBI’s chief of investigative publicity, was asked why the bureau’s website on “Usama bin Laden” does not list 9/11 as one of the terrorist acts for which he is wanted, <h3>he replied: “[T]he FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.”31 ...</h3>
Page 4...first paragraph...NIST letter of reply to appeal...9/27/07:
"As we mentioned previously, we are unable to provide a full explanation of the total collapse" (Of WTC 1 and WTC 2...)
,,,and...six years after the collapse....the NIST is still promising a report on the free fall collapse, into it's own footprint, of the 49 story tall, WTC tower not hit by an airliner:
NIST Status Update on World Trade Center 7 Investigation
June 29, 2007
....The NIST investigation team initially worked simultaneously on both the WTC towers and WTC 7 collapses. In June 2004, the team shifted to full-time study of the towers to develop needed simulation methods and other research tools and to expedite completion of the WTC towers report. Work resumed on the WTC 7 study in October 2005......
<h3>...tick tock....NIST....tick...tock !!!</h3>
...and in a battle for "Supremacy"....shouldn't you take care to insure that your currency doesn't degrade into near worhtlless, paper, fiat script?
Last edited by host; 10-26-2007 at 10:54 AM..