Originally Posted by Grey2000
Erm... Who says this fighting is about ideals ?
Its about survival.
For the soldier in the field its his immediate survival.
For the country at large its the prevention of mass-destruction by zealots.
Principles and ideals don't enter into it - its the lefty-strawman 'how can you defend fighting for such fluffy nonsense as Freedoms ?'
Well when its freedom from death and freedom from persecution under a caliphate its not so fluffy no more.
For this to apply there would actually have to be a possibility that america would end up under a caliphate, which i imagine is something one of the dwindling number of people who still support this war might tell their kids to get them to eat their vegetables. "If you don't eat your broccoli we might end up living under shariah law."
The war for freedom from death has actually made death more likely, since, you know, it's been a great recruitment tool for your caliphalating bogeymen.
The war in iraq has nothing to do with survival. The only way the terrorists(who had nothing to do with iraq before we got there) could destroy america would be to trick us into believing that we need to destroy it ourselves.